27 Christian Ways To Improve Your Job Performance |
27 Christian Ways To Improve Your Job Performance will show you simple Christian tips you can embrace to excel in your job. These tips are practical and the ever-dependable Word of God in the bible has been used to prepare them. Anyone will readily relate with them because the book merged bible principles with present-day practical experiences of employees in workplaces. The added bonus to this book is a simple guide on how you can prepare a job-winning resume and a sample resume produced from the tips in the how-to guide section of the book. You will become a better Christian employee. You will learn tips on how you can secure the best jobs in your industry. You will learn tips that can make you receive rapid promotion in your workplace. You should read the book today. |
Author : Sesan Oguntade |
Published : 2019 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs) |
Category : Personal Development |
Number of Pages : 99 |