A Basket of Tales
A Basket of Tales is a collection of twenty-five exciting short stories from award winning, emerging and intriguing writers, including Unoma Azuah, Hyginus Ekwuazi, Maria Ajima, Pever X, Iquo Eke, Sibbyl Whyte, Victor Olugbemiro, Jennifer Emelife, Myles Ojabo, Agatha Aduro, Enajite Efemuaye, Aondosoo Labe, Joshua Agbo and Kenechi Uzor. The stories cover a lot of grounds from humour to thriller, magical fantasy to realism…etc. There’s a slice of something for everyone. A Basket of Tales is an anniversary project of the current Association of Nigerian Authors (Benue State Chapter) Executive Committee of the association led by Su’eddie Vershima Agema in collaboration with SEVHAGE Publishers and SEVHAGE Literary and Development Initiative. It the first of a series of quality e-books of literature covering various topical themes that SEVHAGE will be releasing online. The collection was edited by Su’eddie Vershima Agema, Maik Ortserga and Pever X.
Author : Su'eddie Vershima Agema
Published : 2015
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Fiction
Number of Pages : 158

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