A Comprehensive Guide on Catfish Farming |
This book was born out of the desire to help farmers achieve a successful catfish farming. This book is particularly directed at cottage, small scale, and medium scale "commercial-intended" catfish farmers. It will give enlightenment on how to operate catfish farming from hatchery to table-sized catfish and also provide guideline on operation involved. It discusses what to consider before going into catfish farming: How to start, production activities, how to get the most vital and viable fry for a start, how to construct a good housing from hatchery—fry—fingerlings—table-sized catfish and the various breeding techniques involved at different stage of production. Readers are equally informed on important issues of breeding like breeding programmes, techniques involved in breeding and production, cost of procurement, management, treatment of disease, water quality, record keeping, and other precautions. |
Author : Falola Moyosore Mary |
Published : 2021 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above) |
Category : REFERENCE / Personal & Practical Guides |
Number of Pages : 35 |