A Millennial's Guide to Mentoring |
This book will teach you how to maximise your results as a 21st century entrepreneur – to bridge the gap between what you think mentoring is and what it actually is. It will teach you, in a very practical way, how to attract the kind of mentoring you need and most importantly, show you how to maximise the existing mentoring relationships in your life. If you seek a valuable window on information that covers the necessary components of the mentorship relationship and how people should work with enthusiasm, tenacity, and dedication to developing the potentials of those they meet in this new age of global interconnectivity and interdependence, this book is a good step in that direction. Other relevant things you will learn include the difference between a mentor and similar concepts, choosing the right mentor, what to do when mentoring gets sour and frequently asked questions on mentoring. |
Author : Temi Ajibewa |
Published : 2019 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs) |
Category : Personal Development |
Number of Pages : 110 |