A Requiem For Daniel Fregebo |
Chandrapal Sarin, wealthy oil explorer and trader, invites veteran British globe-trotting engineer, David O’Brien to Nigeria, to lure him to join his oil exploration company, Sarinco. Upon arrival in the country, O’Brien and Sarin are abducted in broad daylight on the boisterous streets of Port Harcourt, in the heart of the oil rich Niger Delta. The two men find themselves in the company of Victor Fregebo and Akpo Fregebo, sons of a Niger Delta environmental activist, Daniel Fregebo, who died in mysterious circumstances. During their forced time together in the mangrove swamps in the middle of nowhere, several truths are willingly, and mostly unwillingly, unravelled in this tumultuous story of economic exploitation and revenge. Written at the height of the armed uprising in the Niger Delta in the early 2000s, A Requiem For Daniel Fregebo received commendation from the judges of the BBC International Playwriting Competition 2008/2009 season. |
Author : Bolaji Olatunde |
Published : 2020 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs) |
Category : FICTION / Crime |
Number of Pages : 65 |