A Sweet Revenge (Royalty Series Book III)
“Go to Kamara Island. Meet Odili. Make him love you and then serve him a very cold breakfast when he least expects it.” Blood, they say, is thicker than water. Following a traumatizing incident, Kaife embarks on a vengeful mission. Without a specific plan and not knowing what lies ahead of her, she ventures into the world of Odili Udemba, the charming prince and the sole heir of the Dikeogu Kingdom. Find out if she succeeds on her mission or if she gets caught in the middle of the crossfire in this gripping novella.
Author : Chijioke Osuji-Ekwelem
Published : 2023
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : FICTION / Romance / Clean & Wholesome
Number of Pages : 74

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