Erika has a gift that allows her see the future in her dreams. While this gift has always made her wary from childhood, nothing prepares her for the strange woman she meets in her last dream, this strange woman is on the run from a powerful sorcerer. It gets worse when she is told in yet another dream that she must contend with the sorcerer to save the strange woman, Lota. While Lota has the gift to manipulate dreams to whatever she wills, neither of their powers are strong enough to defeat the sorcerer. Advent opens the Mystical Encounters series where two women must recognise and accept who they truly are if they are to conquer a dark and malevolent spirit.
Author : TM David-West
Published : 2019
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Fiction
Number of Pages : 101

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