All In Startup: Launching a New Idea When Everything Is on the Line
A book for anyone who has started a business, thought about starting a business, or just been close to someone who has, All In Startup introduces the reader to the latest advances in entrepreneurship, including a new understanding of how to launch a company in a way that dramatically improves its chances of success. The business plan curriculum taught in most M.B.A. programs is on the verge of extinction. A new scientific method of entrepreneurship built around forming and testing basic assumptions will soon replace the tired old model. The book, told through a case study approach, follows the story of Owen Chase who is tasked with turning his company around in 9 days. Through rich storytelling, All In Startup provides a book-length case study to showcase a new type of entrepreneurship, revealing innovative business principles and the emotional reality of entrepreneurship that goes tragically unmentioned during business school.
Author : Diana Kander
Published : 2014
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Business
Number of Pages : 120

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