Amarachi's Tangled Threads
Amarachi’s life navigates a delicate blend of tradition and modernity, woven with love, ambition, and cultural expectations. Her journey through the pressures of family and societal norms involves profound self-discovery and reflection. Caught between her aspirations and duties, Amarachi seeks the true meaning of marriage, love, and happiness. Her reluctant marriage to Linus, twenty years her senior, and an extramarital affair with the vibrant James, who offers the attention Linus denies her, illustrate her struggle to reconcile her desires with her responsibilities. This captivating narrative delves into the complexities of marriage, ambition, and divergent goals. Amarachi’s choices lead to unexpected turns, drawing readers into the intricate twists of her emotional and inner life. It is a compelling read for anyone interested in the nuances of marital relationships as it provides valuable insights into creating a happy and enduring relationship
Author : Felix Shaba (PhD)
Published : 2024
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : FICTION / Family Life / General
Number of Pages : 103

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