Bite the Internet
BITE THE INTERNET - 7 Steps to Understand and Use the Internet contains seven chapters and one bonus chapter. The bonus chapter – chapter 8 is titled Making A Living From The Internet: 8 Most Lucrative Areas in ICT Today. I believe that some of us reading this book now have either read other books or attended seminars that are entirely devoted to teaching you something related to making a living from the internet. What this book is primarily about is how to use the internet as of today. You must first learn how to be a doctor before you can learn how to make money as a medical doctor and that is why I wrote this book. It is a basic foundation of how to use the internet today in generality before you get to chapter 8 which then shows you how you can start making a living from the internet.
Author : Emmanuel Attah
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Educational
Number of Pages : 192

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