Business is Sales |
No business can exist without sales, it is the most important part of business. When sales happens business has occurred, when sales is low business is low. No sales, no business. When people go into business the idea is to exchange their products or services for money from people, this is called sales. If every other aspect of business is intact but the sales is lagging behind, that is a severely unhealthy Business. It will amount to a waste of time, effort and resources to run anything where sales are not coming in and call it a business. In this book I have explained six major mistakes small businesses make in the area of sales and how to correct them. With this you are able to overcome the commonest mistakes people make in business that lead to business failure in their first three years. The book will teach you the basic concepts of sales and marketing and how important it is for a business or company. This book has been recommended for everyone running a business |
Author : Adiemea Obed |
Published : 2021 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above) |
Category : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Business Development |
Number of Pages : 28 |