Cheer Up! Your Tomorrow is Bright
I suppose there has never been a time in history when people have been as hopelessly apprehensive about their future as in the days in which we live. The reasons are very obvious. Many are deeply frightened, distressed and have lost hope of a better tomorrow. In their estimation and opinion, since things were ‘better’ few years back than they are at present, all they can see ahead is gloom and doom. But I have an absolutely strong and irrefutably dependable assurance for tomorrow. Yes, I truly do. In the midst of the glooming gale that envelopes our world today, I see hope in your tomorrow. God, the Supreme Being, has the capacity to give you the grace to live a life of faith, hope and fullness. How is this possible? In this book: Cheer Up Your Tomorrow Is Bright, I present to you the three fundamental keys to unlocking a life of faith, hope and fullness.
Author : Folaranmi Tunde Oyediran
Published : 2017
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 107

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