Christian Appraisal of Feminist Ideologies Among Nigerian Women
Nigerian Women are vital and veritable tools for development of our nation Nigerian. They are endowed with potentials, creative talents and skills which when they are allowed to utilize them in the society will produce meaningful results. Women have integral and indispensable role to play in the family, church and the society at large but the existence of patriarchy seems to hinder women from discharging fully such vital roles. Women form the integral part of the liberation that Christ gained for the human race through His vicarious death on the cross. Hence, the Church should utilize all available resources to achieve gender equality in the society. The book is organised in the following chapters. Chapter one is the introduction of the book. Chapter two examined patriarchy in human society. Focusing on concept of patriarchy, rise of patriarchy, influence of Plato and Aristotle on patriarchy, theory of matriarchy and women experience in the Nigerian patriarchal society. Chapter three discussed rise of feminism. Tracing the history of feminism, its movement, Nigeria women and wave of feminism. Chapter four explored Christian appraisal of feminism among Nigerian women including the following; gender equality in the bible, Christianity and gender equality, Christian feminism, feminist theology, Christian women association, encouraging religious education for women development. other approaches to achieve gender equality such as: Dukors theistic humanism and committee on the elimination of discrimination against women were noted. Chapter five concludes the book.
Author : Nwaozuru Johnmajor C.
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Religion
Number of Pages : 73

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