Convicted: A Sequel to Uncovered
Detective Clara, still in recovery stage after her near-death experience with The Swift and his crew, finds it difficult to move on from the experience that changed her entire life, causing serious psychological struggles for her. Clara is barely hanging on, holding it together by a thin thread, until the Swift and his crew hit again, shredding the precarious ledge she stood on, to pieces. She is summoned to take on her old case, and put down the notorious crew who have returned to the jacking precious gems after laying low in hiding for almost a year, picking up where they left off, and throwing the city in chaos once again This final showdown is an action packed suspense thriller, that is super explosive and will keep your heart racing.
Author : Obianuju Jane Ebubeoha
Published : 2021
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : TRUE CRIME / Heists & Robberies *
Number of Pages : 57

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