"Deadline" is a captivating and relatable novel that follows the intertwining journeys of two remarkable women, Abigail and Crystal. Abigail's insatiable curiosity and thirst for adventure lead her into a perilous situation akin to entering a lion's den, forcing her to confront a harsh reality. As her survival hangs in the balance, readers are left wondering if she can overcome the odds against her and how much time she has left. Meanwhile, Crystal, burdened by circumstances beyond her control, discovers her inner strength and embarks on a transformative quest for self-discovery. "Deadline" delves into the depths of raw emotions, heartache, and the profound impact of our choices. Moreover, the novel emphasizes the significance of sexual purity and its influence on our lives and relationships, urging readers to reflect on their personal journeys and seek a deeper connection with God. Prepare to be enthralled by the pages of this extraordinary book.
Author : DEDE T. TAGE
Published : 2023
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : FICTION / Friendship *
Number of Pages : 168

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