Developing Yourself as a Teenager
Th? ??ung g?n?r?ti?n h?? t? play its part in the construction ?nd development of th? modern ???i?t?. With the ?r???r advice ?nd assistance ?f the ?ld?r generation, t??n?g?r? ??n ??hi?v? th?ir t?rg?t? in life. Th?? mu?t g? h?nd in h?nd to promote g?n?r?l w?lf?r? ?nd harmony. Ad??t?ti?n ?r?bl?m? ??n be ??lv?d with th? ??rti?i??ti?n ?f b?th parties. Th? younger g?n?r?ti?n ?h?uld consider the older one ?? a t?r?h whi?h will ?h?d light in th?ir ?xi?t?n??. If you choose t? d?v?t? no tim? to ??ur personal growth, you will l??k skill, und?r?t?nding ?r wi?d?m th?t ??uld contribute ???itiv?l? t? ??m? ?th?r aspect ?f ??ur life. By th? same token, if ??u spend tim? r?gul?rl? r?l?xing ?r m?dit?ting, it could h?l? you find th? patience ?r calmness th?t ??u will bring t? ??ur career ?r f?mil? issues.
Author : Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana
Published : 2019
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Books & Libraries
Number of Pages : 110

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