Faulty Foundations
Just as the foundation of a building determines if that building will stand or fall, the foundation of your life will determine if you will be successful or if you will end up as a failure. Remember that the race for salvation is one of endurance and it is only those who are still standing at the end who will win the prize. You may be standing strong today but do you know what tomorrow holds? As Christians, we should only build on one foundation: our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the firm foundation that will enable us to go through this life as winners and make it to our eternal rest in heaven. If you profess to be a child of God, are you sure that your life is built upon the solid rock that is Jesus Christ? This book explains the importance of foundations in our lives and examines the reasons why so many Christians today are finding it difficult to live the lives that God has called them to. It explains what we as children of God have to do to emerge victorious at the end of the race.
Author : Pastor Seyi Ogunorunyinka
Published : 2022
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : RELIGION / Inspirational
Number of Pages : 60

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