Finding and Fulfilling Your Ministry
Oftentimes when we hear the word “ministry” what comes to mind is ‘church work’. We have come to believe, though erroneously, that the only ones who are in ministry are the ones who work in or around church. Yes, the word is commonly used among ‘church people’ but a full understanding of its meaning, within the context of the Bible reveals that ministry simply means devoting all that you are to serving people, whether in the church or outside it, for Christ’s sake. It is using all of your talents, gifts, training, and opportunities for God's work of building his church, uniting all things in Christ and making positive impact in the society to the glory of His name. Being ‘in ministry’ means living every moment for God, for his purposes and glory. It is offering your whole life in service to God, through humanity. In a nutshell, your ministry is your purpose, determined by God long before you were formed. In this book, you will learn how to maximize your divinely supplied gifts and talents for maximum impact in your generation.
Author : Folaranmi Tunde Oyediran
Published : 2017
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Religion
Number of Pages : 32

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