Fit for Growth: A Guide to Strategic Cost Cutting, Restructuring, and Renewal
Fit For Growth will describe how CEOs and senior executives can restructure and manage their organizations cost performance to ensure sustained profitable growth, offering practical ideas, lessons learned, and examples from Strategys hundreds of client examples. Lessons include: How to achieve the twin goals of investing in growth while at the same time reducing cost where necessary. Transforming without harming the organization and disrupting performance. Ensure the changes are fundamental and sustainable, vs. momentary. Inspire your people and encourage ownership of the changes, even though they may be painful and difficult? Transform in a way that creates a lasting competitive advantage? Fit For Growth presents a strategic approach to continuous and holistic performance transformation that connects strategy with choices about cost management, capability development, and organizational and cultural evolution, helping companies achieve deliver sustainable and reliable performance.
Author : Vinay Couto
Published : 2017
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Business
Number of Pages : 120

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