Fordsburg Fighter. The journey of an MK volunteer
When Amin Cajee left South Africa to join the liberation struggle he believed he had volunteered to serve ëa democratic movement dedicated to bringing down an oppressive and racist regimeí. Instead, he writes, in this powerful and courageous memoir, ëI found myself serving a movement that was relentless in exercising power and riddled with corruptioní. Fordsburg Fighter traces an extraordinary physical journey ñ from home in South Africa, to training in Czechoslovakia and the ANCís Kongwa camp in Tanzania to England. The book makes a significant contribution to the hidden history of exile, and documents Cajeeís emotional odyssey from idealism to disillusionment.
Author : Cajee Amin
Published : 2016
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : Fiction
Number of Pages : 120

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