Go Forward! |
Delays in destiny can be caused by three reasons: -The satan factor -The self factor -The mind factor. When God wants to deliver us from obstacles that have held us back regardless of what category they fall into above, He would usually say the words, GO FORWARD! But what does it mean to GO FORWARD? Hephzibah Frances in this book, with years of experience walking in God's purpose for her life as a woman of destiny, uncovers what it means to GO FORWARD! Read and be set free to fulfil your destiny and advance in God's purpose for your life. Unstuck yourself! |
Author : Hephzibah Frances |
Published : 2023 |
Classification : book |
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above) |
Category : YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Inspirational & Personal Growth |
Number of Pages : 53 |