Haunted Love
Haunted Love - sequel for “Sweet and Sour” is a mysterious, paranormal, romantic and suspense-filled erotica, set in the contemporary Nigerian society about Alex. How he went from a sinner to a man of God and the battles in-between. It began with Alex moving to Lagos after the death of his father in search of a better life. He is to live with Aunt Uka, the younger sister to his dead father. On the first day of his arrival, he meets Philomena, their housemaid. It was a magical moment and swiftly things went into an erotic and mysterious spin for both of them. Two months after so much sexual adventures, Alex travels back to pay his mother a visit and there he had a dream about a sexual exploit with a mermaid that ended quite badly for him. On his way back to the big city, he meets Vivian, a prophetess. She told him of his dream and suggests he could be dealing with a spiritual wife but Alex refuses to believe for he was already head over heels in lust with Philomena. He got home to meet the greatest shock of his life. Uncle Philip, husband to his aunt was having sex with Philomena. Filled with rage and disgust, he attacked his Uncle with an empty wine bottle, only to uncover the unexpected. Confused and heartbroken, he rushes back to Pastor Vivian; who moulds him into a man of the cloth. He quickly becomes a threat to the kingdom of darkness, and they will do just anything to get rid of him, including sending their agents to seduce him. Will they succeed?
Author : Alexander Nnaemeka
Published : 2019
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : Romance
Number of Pages : 149

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