How I Got The Ring
How I got the Ring is for every single man and woman who wants to understand what it takes to become the right partner, attract the right partner and build a healthy relationship that can lead to marriage. It contains wisdom and knowledge that can help you own your past, embrace your present and choose a better future for your love life success. Can your past affect your choices? How can you identify red flags? What questions should you ask before you commit? How can you become the ideal partner ? What changes can you make to become more positioned and visible? How can you identify the right partner? What should you stop doing to become valuable? How can you discover yourself? What makes a marriage work? How do you build quality friendship? How can you date intentionally? How can you let go of a past failed relationship and heartbreak? These and more are the questions that have been answered in this book.
Author : Nike Adedokun Folagbade
Published : 2016
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Inspirational
Number of Pages : 85

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