I Woman: The Woman Concept of Creation |
This book is aimed at helping the I Woman to understand the purpose of her creation and seek to answer the following questions: ■How to operate? ■What to apply? ■What to avoid? ■And when to apply? It also seeks to examine capacity and what to do in the event of a malfunction. There is solution for everything with the master’s manual. Finally, it examines how to get back on track should there be derailment. I pray that you will have a greater insight as you go through this book and that the greatest teacher, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to the plans of God for your life and at the end of the day; you will stand and say I ran the race and fulfilled my calling. As I stand before my creator, He will say to me “… Well done, thou good and faithful servant” Matthew 25:21. |
Author : Sylvia Oseke |
Published : 2024 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above) |
Category : RELIGION / Faith |
Number of Pages : 107 |