Instant Networking: The Simple Way to Build Your Business Network and See Results in Just 6 Months
Networking is something that many of us dread and try to avoid at all costs. But no longer the sole remit of sales people, it has become a vital business skill for us all. We are now expected to network effectively in our professional lives, social lives and our online lives to boost our profiles, expand industry knowledge, increase our opportunities and enhance our careers. Many experts place emphasis onto people having to be super confident or brilliant presenters, as well as having the worlds best elevator pitch to be rolled out at every opportunity. But networking has changed; its no longer something we only do with other people and its no longer an activity, its a way of thinking and acting. In Instant Networking Stefan Thomas will take a fresh look at Networking 2.0 and provide practical advice on how to build networking into everything you do, rather than treating it as something you go and do. The book will explain how to speed up the process of networking, either in self-employment or in an employed role so that you can reap the benefits more frequently and more consistently as well as addressing how your online and social media networking fits in with real-life networking. Key topics will be: how to network at networking events, how to deal with the key challenges people face at networking events, how to follow up successfully, how to use social media as part of your networking plus associated marketing and sales closing techniques that will apply whatever role youre in.
Author : Stefan Thomas
Published : 2016
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Business
Number of Pages : 120

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