KAIROS: Great People Arise From Great Moments and Opportunities
Very unlike any other book you have ever read, Kairos is a timely and a timeless book. Living in a world regulated by chronological time, put many under pressures that result in average or below average outcomes. The most important events in the world however only exist in Kairos time, which is when the time is right. The great men, women and nations of our times all took advantage of their kairos moments. You too can take advantage of your Kairos moment and also join their league. With clear and easy to understand prose, Kairos offers nuggets on mastering time, reframing perspectives about problems, and developing an agile leadership mindset with an endpoint of breaking the boundaries of chronological time and making positive lasting impact in life.
Author : Oshaju Henry MD
Published : 2021
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership
Number of Pages : 91

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