Kickstart your Career in HR
For you to succeed in a profession, you must love what you do, you have to enjoy your work so much that it’s not an issue for you to invest long hours in the delivery of your responsibilities on the job. Human resources like any other profession is tasking, cumbersome and requires some levels of tenacity and desire to succeed in it. You have to really love what you do enough to wake up daily thinking about the next task and demand both from management and the employees at large. Sometimes, your love for the job is not enough, you need to have some requisite skills and abilities for your success to be guaranteed. Your passion alone is not enough, it needs to be complemented with knowledge and competence.
Author : Demola Scott
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 14

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