Lines of Wisdom: A Collection of Poems
Each poem in this collection is connected to the next one, in the sense of seeking a chief aim of helping you gain enlightenment and discernment. That is why the various poems explore such themes as growing older, seeking knowledge, overcoming fear, embracing nature, and living purposefully, among others. A wise man has good sense, good judgement, good thoughts, good intentions, good deeds. When we have wisdom we have many good qualities in us which are necessary to live a noble life. This collection is aptly named ‘Lines of Wisdom’ because the poetry verses call you to challenge yourself to be more intentional about life. I encourage you to reflect upon the words and let them sink into your soul.
Author : Titilope Adefunke Laniran
Published : 2022
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : POETRY / General
Number of Pages : 45

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