Meet Dr Calculus: A Better Approach to Mathematics
A fictional story of a young girl who found the secrets to excelling in mathematics through her life-changing encounter with a homeless, mentally deranged man, called Dr. Calculus. Building on the principles gathered from Dr. Calculus, she built a team, found a better path in her academic pursuit, and helped restore hope to others, including Dr. Calculus. Just as a surgeon uses his surgical blade, so has the author incised mathematics, exposing the secrets in understanding mathematics and expressing the nitty-gritty of mathematics through storytelling. It's a book that pulls you to the adventure and emotions in the story, yet leaves you with deep insights on how you can attain success in academics and life.
Author : David Ikenna Ezekiel
Published : 2019
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Educational
Number of Pages : 55

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