Moral Digest
Only few, if any, will argue that a great number of people in today’s society have rejected God-established rules for morality. Hence, at a time like this, Moral Digest serves as a valuable and urgently needed moral compass to provide: (1) The moral strength needed by both young and old to effectively tackle the moral crisis destroying destinies in today’s society. (2) A simplified insight and much-needed analysis of God and morality. (3) An easy approach that sanely challenges everyone to practice Jesus’ moral codes with ease, and become a better individual. In a nutshell, Moral Digest represents a simplified study kit in Christian ethics, and an excellent material for class use in Bible colleges/schools.
Author : Gbenga Egungbohun
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 85

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