Music Business For Dummies
Becoming successful in music has never been easy and recent disruptions and transformations to the music business have made the prospect more daunting than ever before. Music Business For Dummies explains the ins and outs of the music business for artists and businesspeople entering the industry. Key content coverage includes: Industry basics breaks down the ins and outs of the music business in todays digital world where file-sharing, streaming, and iTunes have transformed the industry Solo act or forming a band/picking your team finding the right players, agents/business managers/etc. Rehearsing/recording/performing getting the most out of your investments Ways to capitalize on your work songwriting/music publishing, getting your songs placed, licensing/royalties/etc., record deals, iTunes, Amazon, etc./new music distribution models Direct publishing, copyright, royalties and other income sources Branding/promotion/marketing/merchandising getting the word out and building your brand Feed/sustain/grow Various ways to continue growth and get exposureopening act, getting gigs, going on tour, etc.
Author : Loren Weisman
Published : 2015
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Business
Number of Pages : 120

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