No Sacred Cows
Assembled from stories written over a period of twenty years, No Sacred Cows offers an opportunity to engage with moral matters through wry humour and a careful understanding of the difficulties faced in seeing justice come to pass, be that in the courts or in everyday matters. Often amusing, sometimes comical and occasionally sad, these stories are wholly honest and in accord with Nicholsonís belief that in life there are no sacred cows; all aspects of life must be open to criticism, analysis and the most passionate adoration. With a light touch, an ear for language and its nuances, a sympathetic eye and an unusual mixture of relationships, Nicholsonís stories give the reader not only pause for thought, but the promise of entertainment.
Author : Nicholson Christopher
Published : 2014
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Fiction
Number of Pages : 120

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