OOEE Four Ruling Houses
Clang of Egogo births the ancestry of Ovokpe Four Ruling house. A ruthless King reigns in the kingdom. He makes his subjects break iron bars. Whoever fails to break an iron gets a death sentence. All children of Ovokpe are Princes and Princesses. Therefore, the people loathed the kings’ despotic rule. Oreovokpe conspired against Egbaokpe 1. They lead the king to a disguised throne. Will the Orodje’s charms and instincts save him from the people’s ploy? A consistent interregnum plagues Oreovokpe monarchical stool and some other kingdoms mock Oreovokpe’s circumstances. Due to kingship and political unrest, Oreovokpe is fretful that the Isokens will outrun them and take over their land. Will Oreovokpe be free from the painstaking hiatus curse?
Author : Gift Foraine Amukoyo
Published : 2018
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : DRAMA / African
Number of Pages : 45

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