Praising God - No Matter What
Naturally people praise God when conditions are favourable, when everything is going on fine: business is prosperous, more customers are coming, children are doing fine and at the age of 9 they are already in part one in the university; wife is doing well, husband is doing great. So we testify and we dance. Anybody can do that. When things are fine anybody can praise God. I also know of few Christians that will want to put up an appearance of praising God but their utterances expose them that this praise is coming out of gritty teeth and not from the heart. Their heart and their mouth are not congruent. However in the case of Paul and Silas, things were worse, they were beaten above measures much more than the required flogging of the Jews. They were thrown into the dungeon and feet were put in stocks and yet they could still find their voice in praise despite their conditions. This is beyond ordinary. We too can do that no matter what.
Published : 2022
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / General
Number of Pages : 67

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