Sacrifices of the Virtuous Woman
Sacrifices of the Virtuous Woman is written for men. It shows the need to know what God designed the woman to be and to fulfill in the world. And because the woman ought to know her importance in the program of God for the world, here is a book for every woman. From the Proverbial Virtuous Woman in the Bible, we have a picture of womanhood that has eluded many generations since the days of Eve. But the history of humankind has the enviable list of some sterling women who have demonstrated the rich qualities of the Virtuous Woman. So it is possible. That’s what this book is about, to show the woman: What is possible. The guideline to a happy married life. How to employ the potentials of womanhood. The gracious power of womanhood, and the unfailing rewards that await the virtuous woman. The author speaks like a woman who knows; and her plain language makes room for you in particular, whatever your status.
Author : Kelicha Ochonogor
Published : 2017
Classification : audiobook
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / Inspirational
Number of Pages : 5987

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