Scared Successful Woman |
Do you consider yourself to be someone who is regularly plagued with carefully hidden fears? Often preventing you from either speaking up, reaching out to connect with certain people or doing things you really want to do? Has fear ever pushed you into things you had no desire to be involved in? You are not alone! Many others (e.g. me) have experienced such fears. In times gone by, I often wished that I would one day find the antidote to my fears in a book, a programme, or the speech of a revered individual; after which all my fears would disappear. Uhmm, that never really happened. One day I asked someone who I considered very brave, to share the secret of their bravery with me… and the person did. It was something along the lines of, “If the desire is strong enough, fear will not be an obstacle.” It made a lot of sense, but that response left me unsatisfied and still seeking more answers. So; I decided to tackle the question on fear myself… |
Author : Akpana Ahukannah |
Published : 2017 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above) |
Category : Memoir |
Number of Pages : 161 |