Seducing Donovan
Haley Bennett thought her life as an ER doctor and mommy of two rescued Dobermans couldn’t get any crazier … until hunky P.I. Donovan McGregor shows up and informs her that her best friend has gotten involved with the wrong people. The more time she spends with Donovan searching for her friend, the more that visions of tangled sheets and staying together forever chase her…as do the bad guys. When things start spiraling out of control in more ways than one, Haley has to decide whether she needs Donovan’s protection—or if she needs to protect her heart from him. Donovan loves being a PI and enjoys being single just as much. When a new case leads him to the sexy Dr. Haley Bennett, he’s more than happy to take on the role of bodyguard. He knows that nothing serious will happen between them, as he doesn’t get personally involved with clients. And while dealing with break-ins, following leads, and worrying about Haley’s safety keeps him busy during the day, he finds himself eager to dedicate his nights to her as well. As their relationship grows, Donovan realizes his latest case also involves a stolen heart… his own.
Author : Lisa Lanay
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : FICTION / Romance / Contemporary
Number of Pages : 213

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