Shoot at Millions
Why struggle to repeat your last effort until you start feeling bored when you can simply act once and keep getting multiple positive feedbacks while you go on with more important things still have to do? If the above describes your situation at the moment, then the wisdom you need can be found in this masterpiece titled SHOOT AT MILLIONS With this powerful/premium book you will realize the difference between you as "ONE IN A MILLION" and you as a "MILLION IN ONE" individual, and you will find courage to be fit enough for any great feat in life... SHOOT AT MILLIONS explains simple ways to achieve more with just one strike than you would have probably achieved with many strikes. HERE ARE MORE THINGS YOU CAN EXPECT WITH THIS MASTERPIECE: 1). YOU WILL FIND THE RIGHT CONFIDENCE TO LIVE, RELATE AND LEAD YOUR BEST: 2). YOU WILL DISCOVER HOW TO GET MORE RESULT WITH JUST ONE SHOOT OF IDEA: 3). YOU WILL DISCOVER YOUR LINK TO REACHING MILLIONS WITH IMPACT
Author : Onyi Nnebedum
Published : 2022
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational
Number of Pages : 122

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