Start Again
The beginning of every new phase comes with a level of excitement, curiosity of what’s next and the outward disposition of all it truly entails; but then, how about when it isn’t quite new to you? Have you ever had to start again and sincerely confess you were not as excited as you were the first time although the courage to go again sparked from within like connecting two unlike poles to generate a flow of electricity? You might have to start again but this time; it doesn’t discount, downplay or disapprove your identity instead, it infact creates a masterpiece of deep life lessons beating a story that the world needs to hear for a lifting, as rising is of essence in the times we are in. This book is for us and beyond the prints and papers, encounter LIGHT that illuminates every dark place, it’s your TIME.
Author : Deborah Uwasi
Published : 2024
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth
Number of Pages : 16

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