Swahili Made Easy. A Beginner's Complete Course
This handy book is a beginner's complete course in the Swahili language, designed especially for foreigners. The book is a result of the authorĂ­s many years of teaching experience. It is divided into two parts: part one covers pronunciation; Swahili greetings and manners; classification of nouns; adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc. in twenty-eight lessons and thirty-six exercises. part two includes a study of Swahili usage in specific situations (e.g. at home, in the market, on the road, at the airport, etc.); eleven further lessons and thirteen exercises; the key to the exercises in Parts One and Two; and a Swahili-English vocabulary of words used in the book.
Author : Safari J.F.
Published : 2012
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Nonfiction
Number of Pages : 120

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