The Danfo Driver in All of Us and Other Essays
The Danfo Driver in all of us and other essays is a compilation of Niran Adedokun’s personal reflections and interventions on a variety of topical national issues in the space of five years between 2013 and 2018 Although a few the articles were published in some other newspapers, most of the articles in this collection were published in The PUNCH and thecable.ng where Adedokun is a weekly columnist. His largely non-partisan pieces advocate for responsible and responsible governance as well as a dutiful and alert citizen. He argues that these are two non-negotiable characteristics of a progressive society and that unless everyone wakes up to their responsibility Nigeria will remain a dream.
Author : Niran Adedokun
Published : 2019
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Nonfiction
Number of Pages : 260

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