The Fruit of the Spirit: Created for Children with Bible Stories and Activities
This book, “The Fruit of the Spirit”, is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It teaches us about the attributes that God wants us to possess as His children. Just as we have our natural fruits, apples, pineapples, plums, bananas, and so on, that supply vital nutrients for our body’s health and maintenance, we also need the fruit of the Spirit to grow spiritually and in our walk with God. The book is created for children, with Bible stories to emphasise and illustrate the traits, prayers and activities that will keep them captivated. Children must learn and understand the virtues that God wants to cultivate in them through His Spirit.
Author : Nari Mokut
Published : 2023
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / Family
Number of Pages : 54

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