The Good, Bad,Ugly Boss
Bosses must effectively manage, lead, and inspire employees. Good bosses bring tangible benefits to a company, including motivating employees and aligning them with the company's vision. Conversely, bosses who fail to effectively manage employees may create an environment susceptible to conflict and unsatisfied workers. There are different types of bosses; however, a good boss taps into and leverages the instincts and skills their employees have to fully unlock their potential and push their careers forward. If they're increasingly inspired and confident about their work, skills, and talents, they'll naturally feel more confident of bringing success to their organisation. This book is a must-read to help gain insight on the principles and benefits of being a good boss. It posits that the best bosses are invested in their employees, that means that they're actively concerned with the professional goals and aspirations of their staff.
Author : Bunmi Akingbade
Published : 2021
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Etiquette
Number of Pages : 60

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