The Pathways to Increase and Multiplication
God does not want us to be stagnated in life. He wants us to continue to be moving forward and upward ever. Men also desire to accomplish this God given purpose. However, on many occasions it has been very difficult for this to happen. Most times you see people in one position day in day out, doing the same thing year in and year out. They remain in one position economically, financially and materially wise. What could be the reason for this has always been the question in my mind? How can someone sustain and move higher the increase he has gotten? As I study the scriptures and from experiences gathered at counselling people as a Shepherd, I have come to find out factors and principles in the word of God that can make people move ahead in life and make astronomical progress in all their endeavours
Author : Felix Abodunde
Published : 2023
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / Personal Growth
Number of Pages : 45

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