The River that Ran Away, and Other Stories
The River That Ran Away and Other Stories is a book of heartwarming stories for teenagers. The author interweaves folklore and realistic fiction to teach teenagers about the dangers of wantonness, stubbornness, and carelessness in "The River that ran Away". In "Visit to the Exchanger of Heads" the author frowns on laziness and deceitfulness. She tries to bring to Teenager's consciousness the healthy attributes of forgiveness and empathy in "Grandma's Whip" and in "The Strange Girl and the Stranger Butterfly", the need for continuous education and pride in one's heritage is brought to the fore. In "Re-educating my African Girl", the author tries to open the eyes of African Youths, to the good in their ancestral inheritance.
Author : Chinwe Fez-Odita
Published : 2024
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Education
Number of Pages : 89

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