The Role of Elites in National Transformation
"In this book you'll discover: 1. The Dead Horse Called 'Aristocratic Elitism 2. Aristocracy – What is it? 3. The root of aristocratic elitism 4. Short history of elitism in Africa 5. Aristocratic elitism in Nigeria – “big-manism” 6. The need for Africa to Address the Issue of Aristocratic Elitism 7. What is supposed to be the concern of the elites in the African society? 8. The impacts of Aristocratic culture in the society 9. The increasing vulnerability of the youth to social vices 10. Role of the Church in National transformation"
Author : Sunday Adelaja
Published : 2018
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Religion
Number of Pages : 120

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