The Transition: Adapting to the Changes of Growth
There is no one-way to success or one path to having it all sorted out. There are things peculiar to everyone, especially as the girl child. This book will help you have a good transition from being a teenager to adulthood or from being single to married. It will help prepare you, with real life experiences and situations you can relate to, that will work best for you. The author has shared life lessons learned throughout the process of choosing a career path, understanding herself as a teenager, waiting, dating and preparing for marriage; from personal experiences and what she learnt from other people, while adapting to the process of growth. ‘The Transition’ is a guide for adapting to the changes of life, as well as a tool for mothers to prepare their children and help them understand certain transition issues they face as twenty first century children.
Published : 2022
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Mid-Life
Number of Pages : 39

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