The Woman as a Helper
The Woman as a Helper is the first book in the Total Woman Series. It shares insight into how the support a woman provides in her world aids the Will of God to be actualised.Being a Total Woman is about achieving balance through Christ. To be balanced is to have and maintain all elements in their proper proportion. Balance is what every woman needs in different roles she has to play in life as a wife, mother, career woman and daughter of Zion. However, balance is unattainable without Jesus Christ. The Total Woman Series as a whole is a guide to attaining that balance, marital bliss and effective womanhood. Enjoy!
Author : Ugo Fidel Onwuraokoye
Published : 2023
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / Love & Marriage
Number of Pages : 126

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