Warlord of Mars
The Barsoom series is based on the expedition of Earthmen to Mars by a mysterious method of transportation that involves astral projection. John Carter an American Civil War veteran travels to Mars, engages in fierce battles for supremacy with various denizens of the Red Planet and falls in love with and marries one of its lovely inhabitants. In Warlord of Mars, the hero, John Carter's mission is to rescue his wife Princess Dejah Thoris who has been imprisoned by the evil Goddess Issus. Carter explores deeper and further into the planet's far flung regions and discovers all manner of fantastic creatures who he has to vanquish to gain the title of Warlord of Mars.
Author : Edgar Rice Burroughs 
Published : Unknown
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Sci-Fi
Number of Pages :

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