As elders of my tribe would say in any counselling sessions, there is too much to life than one can imagine, thus the lesson only learnt by the living. Nigeria and Africa at large shares a diverse flora of Nature’s gifts from animals, to minerals and wealth down our earth, and very rich cultures of diverse tongues, shaping the future of our tomorrow after difficult drench in post-slavery civilisation. This exactly forms the exhuming moments and the realities of the author’s life, as she muses with wonder of nature and humanity. Songs of Sunshine is therefore a book of poetry to the author’s muse – offering readers the opportunity to enjoy the scenery of words that shares the emotions, strengths and weaknesses of our humanity. The work is a compilation of fifty (50) poems segregated into five parts, and titled “Where?” “Where?” portrays the stark reality of the state of our planet Earth and the cry derange for world peace. It is a book that confronts societal abnormalities, fights for justice, breathes empathy, conjures inner harmony, acknowledges the fire of love and spells out the beauty of nature.
Author : Adedoyin Olaleye
Published : 2019
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Poetry
Number of Pages : 60

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